Tama Imperialstar 5-Piece - May mike323
Here's an update on my own kit. I decided to move it into a larger room. You see there two 16" crashes, one 14"
crash, a 10" splash, 16" ride (bell & bow triggering), and a 14" china. The kit plays awesomely!
Full Mesh 5-Piece - March jnowell
TD-20 Full Mesh 6-Piece (Still in progress) - November
TD-8 Full Mesh 6-Piece - October
Brett I.
Here is Brett's beautiful 6-piece DIY. We have a 14" DIY snare, as well as two 10" toms and two 12" toms. He used a 14" floor
tom for the kick, and 14" DIY hihat. The kit stands on a half-acoustic-half-rack setup, with 2 16" crashes, a 10" splash,
and 16" ride.

TD-12 Full Mesh 5-Piece - September

Here is an update on my kit. The difference between the May update and this one is that I now have 3 crashes, a china, splash,
and ride. Just remember,
"You can never have enough cymbals"
TD-6 Mesh 5-Piece (Rack) - April

Here is njsoundman's complete TD-6 5-piece A to E conversion. It features three mesh 8-10-12 toms and a 12" mesh snare. Below
are double pedal cobras (same as mine) smackin' a KD-8 and an FD-8 controller on a CY-5. The cymbals are PT Practice conversions,
based on the ones from this site. You see there a 14" crash, 16" secondary crash, 10" splash, 18" ride, and a 14" china.
The beautiful natural grain tom finish was the result from pulling off the cheesy sparkling finish seen on a photo below.
TD-12 Full Mesh 5-Piece - May

The final kit, which is a 5-piece Tama Imperialstar with Pintech Converted cymbals - crash, secondary crash, splash, and ride.
The high hat is a DIY, with a CY-8 (immitating a VH-11). The kit works flawlessly, even the cymbals trigger beautifully. I've
been playing it for almost a month in this condition and I hope it won't need much maintenence.
This kit was originally used with a TD-6. If you want to see which settings I used, here is a SysEx file of them. Use Midi-Ox
to send this to your module via MIDI.
Download TD6 Settings.syx
The complete component list: 10, 12, 14 inch toms, 14" snare, 14" converted kick, CY8 converted highhat, 10"
splash, 2 14" crashes, a 16" ride, and a converted cowbell.


The table is honored enough to support my brand new TD-12 and Alesis mixer. The guitar, bass, microphone, laptop, ipod, keyboard,
and of course the kit runs through the mixer. The laptop is used for recording. Notice the vdrums.com sticker on the sticks
can :)
This cymbals are all single zone and non-chokable. I don't like dual-zone crashes...I don't think it's worth the extra money.
The ride will have bell/bow triggering soon.

The TD-6 Mesh Upgrade - April
This kit was the result of the completion of the mesh heads. I had to have something to hit so I mixed my TD-6 with the new
mesh heads. All the TD-6 factory pads were mounted as cymbals and effect pads. It was a fun kit.
The back of the kit. I loved how compact it was, but of course I expanded and expanded. The three rack clamps I sold were
to mount my acoustic cymbal arms to the rack.
As you can see, there are little white dots in the center of the toms and snare. These were the 'ol roller cones I used to
use. They worked well, but these white dots killed me for some reason.
The Final TD-6 Upgraded - March
My very first kit, pretty basic. The only thing I look back and like is the compactness. It fit well in the corner.
I like the kit when it arrived, but hitting that rubber 8" snare just wasn't cutting it. I purchased a PD-105 and bumped
that old 8" pad to the 4th tom. Then I got a CY-8 for a ride and used my autochoking CY-6es in single-zone mode for two
crashes. This kit really could take a beating.
This is the very first picture I saw of the TD-6. It looks hideous to me, but back then it looked like a dream. It was folded
up just out of the closet when this picture was taken.
2006 Michael N. mikeMX3000@yahoo.com
Disclaimer - "There are No Guarantees to Your Personal Satisfaction. DO NOT ATTEMPT if you are NOT CONFIDENT
with your own abilities. [eDIY] cannot be held responsible for any damage to yourself, others, or equipment while attempting
any of the projects listed on these pages. Please use common sense, protective clothing and eyewear when obviously needed."
- RockOn4Ebay