All items from this conversion came from Allelectronics, Drumbalaya, Home Depot, Musician's Friend, and RMC Audio. To find,
click on the corresponding store below and search for exactly what you want on this list.
Musician's Friend
RMC Audio
Heads -
Roland 10" Mesh Head
Roland 12"
Mesh Head
Roland 14" Mesh Head
100k Slide Potentiometer
50k Slide Potentiometer (Roland Ideal)
1/4" Jacks -
1/4" Stereo Jack w/ Plastic Bushing
Project Boxes
- Allelectronics.com
2.3"x1.3" ABS Project Box
Piezos -
2" Piezo Element
0.6" Piezo Element
Cones - Musican's
Friend and Home Depot (Paint aisle)
Roland Cone
Paint Mini-roller (Ideal for columns)
Crossbar Materials
- Home Depot (Sink Repair aisle)
Aluminum U-Channel
3/4" Wide Flat Aluminum Strip
Danco 00 Flat Washers
Danco #36 O-Ring Washers
Danco Felt Bonnets
- RMC Audio.com
Roland TD-12
Cables -
Musican's Friend
Hosa 10" Stereo Cable
Materials - Musician's Friend
10" Pintech Practice Cymbal
14" Pintech Practice Cymbal
16" Pintech Practice Cymbal
Enter supporting content here
2006 Michael N. mikeMX3000@yahoo.com
Disclaimer - "There are No Guarantees to Your Personal Satisfaction. DO NOT ATTEMPT if you are NOT CONFIDENT
with your own abilities. [eDIY] cannot be held responsible for any damage to yourself, others, or equipment while attempting
any of the projects listed on these pages. Please use common sense, protective clothing and eyewear when obviously needed."
- RockOn4Ebay