To add your DIY conversion to the gallery, please follow these steps:
Upload 3-4 images of your kit. They can be any shot, but each must be different - get different angles or close-ups of parts
of the drum which you want to show off.
When all images have been uploaded, copy your pictures' URL s from image shack into the fields in step 2. The correct URL
is in this type of field in Imageshack:
Go to ImageShack
Kit Info
Thanks for submitting your kit! It should show up in less than a week.
Remember, submitting your kit will show any viewer of the gallery your photos. Be sure to check your pictures - show only
what you want to show!
2006 Michael N. mikeMX3000@yahoo.com
Disclaimer - "There are No Guarantees to Your Personal Satisfaction. DO NOT ATTEMPT if you are NOT CONFIDENT
with your own abilities. [eDIY] cannot be held responsible for any damage to yourself, others, or equipment while attempting
any of the projects listed on these pages. Please use common sense, protective clothing and eyewear when obviously needed."
- RockOn4Ebay