Solutions to drummers on a budget with neighbor problems
Update as of Nov 6, 2009: Wow! It's been probably a good couple of years since I last even visited this site! I can't believe it's still running, and I'm pretty glad it's still available as (antiquated) information to builders of edrums. Let me just say, I have been back to acoustics for these past years, and as we all know there's no way you can substitute edrums for adrums quite yet. But I'm off to college here soon so I may need to figure out how to take some drumming with me. Anyway, continue to enjoy the site and bear in mind most information and links to resources is VERY old.

on eDIY you will find my edrum conversion along with some instructions
for building an affordable, functional edrum kit. I have links to
researched, reliable suppliers of drum products, edrum materials, and
other informative sites dedicated to electronic drumming.

owning a kit working like one of Roland's, yet taking a shortcut on
price and feeling frugle sound good? Then maybe DIY edrums are for
you...just like the Drumbalaya slogan says: "Practice silently (or jam
as loud as you want).
did I get inspired? Remember, I once had noise problems too: I wanted
to be able to practice without setting the neighbors on fire. Tapping
on my acoustic kit just didn't allow me to drum to my true potential.
When I looked at a Roland TD-20S, it was love at first sight. Until I
saw the price tag. That kit became a dream.
a year later, I looked at Roland's cheaper kits. An old TD-6 used kit
was affordable, so I indulged. It was amazing - I played until my
fingers just about bled. I purchased upgrades, and it became one of my
best purchases of my life. So I thought - I signed up to the Vdrums.com
forum and discovered DIY drums. Within four weeks of chaotic ordering
and selling, I completed a converted drum set with a Roland TD-12
So, if you're ready to try it, feel free to use my ideas on this site.
Remember to read the disclaimer at the bottom of each page.
May 5th - I've updated the gallery with my current kit, not much different, but more spread out setup.
March 21st - Cool new DIY added to the gallery. Unique PC/DM5 control, and painted Pintechs! Bravo.
January 19th - Hello eDIY visitors, just thought I'd drop in to say that I'm not gone, just haven't needed to change anything
on my kit. She still plays great, and I can only wait for the next case of G.A.S. to hit for an update! ;)
November 17th - Brillient new DIY added in the gallery. Check this masterpiece out!
October 16th - Just a notice that Allelectronics is out of the 2" piezos. I really hope they get more in stock as these are
one of the best deals on the internet.
October 10th - Added a few other minor things such as a new troubleshooting section at the bottom of the 'snare and toms'
October 8th - Major site update...ride section done, new contact page and feedback.
2006 Michael N. mikeMX3000@yahoo.com
Disclaimer - "There are No Guarantees to Your Personal Satisfaction. DO NOT ATTEMPT if you are NOT CONFIDENT
with your own abilities. [eDIY] cannot be held responsible for any damage to yourself, others, or equipment while attempting
any of the projects listed on these pages. Please use common sense, protective clothing and eyewear when obviously needed."
- RockOn4Ebay